Introducing MicroPublisher

Many bloggers who write on iOS use custom automation scripts and shortcuts to publish to their blogs. This can be a fun automation project for programmers, but not a viable or elegant solution for everyone else.

After playing with the Micropub API on Monday, I began working on an app to post to a Micropub endpoint with a system share sheet action. If everything goes according to plan, then this post will be published from IA Writer’s share sheet using this app.

(Update after publishing: everything went according to plan).

My working title for the app is MicroPublisher. I’m not sure if I’ll ever polish MicroPublisher for the App Store, but that’s my current goal. At the very least, I’m using this project to learn SwiftUI (which I’ll write about later because it’s really awesome).

A lot of work remains on this project, which will give me a lot to write about on this blog (which will give me more ways to test the app. A virtuous cycle).

Andrew Cope @cope